Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

Year 6 is the final year of primary school is an exciting time as students can take on many leadership roles in our school.  All Year 6 students are expected to commit to the schools’s student leadership responsibilities and model the school values throughout the year. Students will be given opportunities to be SRC representatives, Eco Leaders, Sports Leaders, Library Monitors and Buddies to Kindergarten, including working on several tasks in the areas of Health and Wellbeing, Technology, Environment, and Media. As the year progresses we work together with Melrose High school through the transitions program and Thinking Carnival to assist our Year 6 students to have a successful start to high school.

Year 6 students at Mawson Primary School focus on building towards becoming independent learners. They are encouraged to take ownership of their school and home learning and are given opportunities to apply their knowledge in different forms.

Students will participate in a balanced literacy program and be engaged in a range of activities according to their instructional level. All learning experiences align with the Australian Curriculum. The strands focus on developing student’s knowledge, understanding and skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating.

Year 6 students will have opportunities to work in all Mathematical strands through a range of stimulating and challenging activities. Our Mathematics program utilises a variety of resources to teach the Australian curriculum. Each week, students will also be working on mental computation skills for the four operations and problem-solving strategies using online learning resources.

Throughout the year we will be integrating our inquiry units across the subject areas of History, Geography and Science. The inquiry unit provides students with a “big idea” that will help them process their world and apply knowledge. It gives them opportunities to make connections across a variety of themes and ideas. Students will engage in higher level thinking, active problem-solving activities and research.

Year 6 curriculum achievement standards for English

Year 6 curriculum achievement standards for Mathematics